Here, new 14th Police District last week or two. All these claims were, according to police documents made available:
Aggression takes place, the police said a woman returned to the 300 block of Vernon Street on Saturday when a man she knew that her beaten with a baseball bat and began to curse her and her kick.
Air compressor changed: A man told police his AC compressor was changed, and its parts were was on the 100 block of Avenue Meehan on 6 June taken.
Electronics taken from the house, police said an iPod, iPad, and a diamond ring from a house in the 300 block of West Duval Street Friday were divided.
iPhone taken out of binders: Police said an iPhone from a student of the school bag AMY Northwest on 7 Adopted in June.
Xbox Games, Barbie movie: Police said two Xbox games and Barbie movie from a house in the 100 block of West Washington Lane on 7 June were divided.
GPS taken from car: Police said a passenger door of the car parked on Block 400, East Sharpnack Street was left open and that Garmin was sometime before 5 Taken in June
Stove, microwave Shooting: A man told police that a woman who moved from his home at 6400 block Lensen street told her she stole a stove and a microwave in the house on 6 June.
Gas cap / buttons made: The police said a gas cap, and his keys from the hallway of an apartment building at 6700 Emlen Street on the 6th of June were received.
iPod stolen from the car: The police said that an iPod was taken from a car window was at block 200 West Upsal Street on 4 June broken. A similar incident occurred on the same block with another vehicle, a black iPod Touch was stolen in the incident. A third car window was broken on the same block, same day, but said nothing was taken.
Disagreement leads to injuries Holiday: A man told police he was sitting on the hood of the car of his ex-girlfriend on the 200 block of East 2nd Street Ellet June, when he said that it would not see him on vacation this year. The woman, who police said was restless and went while he was still sitting on the hood, so the man who beat his head against the sidewalk.
Video-game items taken from home: Police said a house on the block 7500 German Town Avenue was broken into and the video-game controllers and games on 5 June were received
Items from the bag on the bus took SEPTA: A man told police he drove SEPTA bus 23, when four men who had been causing a disturbance around him, the bus left at German Town Avenue and Johnson Street on 31 Done until May, after leaving the bus he has a T-shirt and various drugs were missing from her bag.
Gucci sneakers, stolen laptop at home: Police said a home on Block 800, East Street was broken into and Hortter Gucci sneakers, an Acer laptop and other items said on 4 June were received.
Mistreated woman: A woman told police she was on at Stenton Avenue and East Washington Lane 4th June, when a man and a woman approached her, threw a bottle and began to beat her.
Money runs out of stock: A woman who lives in a nursing home at 6300 German Town Ave Stapeley gave her purse to another residence when she went to hospital on 26 May, when they returned the hospital, the police announced, $ 120 was missing from the wallet.