
Operating Instructions in the city's birthday. With a case of "Enchanted

Fashion in the city celebrates his birthday and the success of "Enchanted case" Masquerade Gala. Last year nearly 900 participants "mode packed sold-out show in the decadent city to city museum. C 'was the first time the event was created executive Felicia Mosley a show, but the success of the event would have never thought of. A year later, Featured the city of fashion and its designers and stylists will be recognized at the national level. During works and credits on MTV, VH1, Vibe Magazine, and more collaboration between FIC Mosley and his talent continue to grow beyond expectations. Mosley produced a 1920 follow the Thread Show at the Peabody Opera House in the spring and stop you. the south with a special mode in addition to City of the Week Atlanta International Fashion Fall This weekend, celebrate fashion in the city of his success with a case Enchanted Masquerade at the City Museum. The pre-opening soiree include Lola 26th October at 19.00 clock There is a meet and greet with modelers, doctors and media. On Saturday, 27 October Vatterot college, it is "A knowing your goal" Education Summit with Dr. Carolyn Pryor, Leslie Irizzary designers and choreographers, Mike Jones, who held a master class track. Classes begin at 9:00 clock the meeting "Enchanted Masquerade Affair" will begin on Sunday at 6:45 at the City Museum. There will be a celebration of the original issue size and everything be reached since. Fashion show last year at the Museum of the City a sumptuous multi-cultural gala was brought a unique collection of St. Louis broker, professionals and healthcare providers. A diverse group of professional artists and celebrities sipped champagne while they showed the Gala Charity exceptional channel the best doctors in St. Louis strutting on stage as if they. Naomi Campbell genes that had carried her body Surgeons favorite city, pediatricians and gynecologists worked the runway and a spectacular performance. The models were spectacular and entertaining walks the parade courtesy of the choreographer's nationally recognized model, Mike Jones. Its implementation since it was founded in the city of fashion The public had the pleasure of participating in the creation of some of the designers of the rise in the Midwest. Elizabeth Smith, Shakuru2 Dwight Overton and high demand growing national designer Sierra Moses were some of the first designers to show at the first fashion show in the city. The designers with their remarkable collections jewelry designer combines star, followed standout Erica M. Dunk. It was a memorable evening for St. Louis a year ago and it will be much more memorable this year. Prepare the imagination of fashion art at its best attendance with FIC Enchanted Masquerade gala affair. A percentage of the profits will be donated to Cardinal Glennon.

